Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This blog is an interfaith community of women who write and learn together and share their faith traditions with love - a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew. It's active peace-making in the world. It's beautiful.
Check it out.

Holy Week at Church

Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday, April 1
9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Maundy Thursday, April 5
8:00 p.m. Tennebrae Service
You are invited to walk the Labyrinth in Plymouth Hall
following this service.
Good Friday, April 6
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Walking the Way of the Cross
Labyrinth Walk in Plymouth Hall
Easter Sunday, April 8
8:00, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Worship
Children are encouraged to attend worship with their parents.
There will be child care for the very young at 9:00 and 10:30.

I don't know about you but Easter is my favorite holiday. New life, colored eggs, chocolates nestled in pretty woven baskets, tulips and daffodils and Jesus on Easter Sunday. Have a wonderful Holy Week parading up to the great day of rebirth.

Monday, March 26, 2012


This is an interesting article asking why Evangelical Christians - and I'd add many Christian leaders regardless of denomination - have and continue to remain silent about this tragedy and many more like it. Where is God in all of this? Where is community and compassion for one another? We'll see what the investigations reveal but regardless of the judicial outcome we should all be in mourning and prayer because of the suffering of the families (both sides) and in our nation.
Article here.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Words for You

To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.
karl barth

Friday, March 23, 2012

Reasons to Believe

Very interesting site claiming that science and the Christian faith are not in conflict with one another but in fact science supports the reality of God in the universe.
Check it out here. The photos and the descriptions are food for thought.

RTB's mission is to spread the Christian Gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research - including the very latest discoveries - consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For Beauty

Why Art Matters

This is an interesting article about why we should fund art and how it changes us as spiritual beings.
I wonder if there's a correlation between the amount of art a culture produces and the peace found within that culture. What do you think?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Jewish Tradition

I think it's important to know the Jewish tradition since Christ was Jewish and the Old Testament is the Jewish story. The more I learn about the Jewish tradition the more I learn about my faith.

Yom Kippur: "Day of Atonement" - holiest day in the Jewish Year. The soul is at one with G-d (the word describing, naming the Holy One is so great some Jews believe you can't write it out). When we are at one with G-d all is forgiven. Nothing must interfere with that oneness from Friday to Saturday evening. No eating, drinking, anointing with perfumes, no marital relations, lotions, washing for pleasure, wearing leather shoes.

Reminds me of Lenten Season.
May we all come to learn more about our past, our roots, our faith tradition and its origins.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Church News

This Sunday is the first opportunity for the children to bring their offering for Common Hope. Please mark envelopes or checks with "caring collection." After this Sunday, feel free to drop off offerings in Jan.

The Christian Ventures Committee is once again offering its Lenten series, In the Upper Room. These informal gatherings held at 6:30 in the Seim Room on Wednesday evenings, March 21 and 28, will include a time of fellowship, prayer, communion, Scripture and the sharing of a simple agape meal. No sign up is required.

Before you leave for Spring Break, don't forget to order flowers for the altar on Easter Sunday!
They are only $12 for the flower of your choice; you may dedicate them in honor of someone, in celebration of an anniversary or in memory of a loved one. The flowers will be delivered to a shut-in after the services or you may pick yours up immediately after the final service that day.
It's that time again! Our BIG Rummage Sale will be April 24 and 25. Visit to sign up to help and start cleaning those closets, attics and basements for donations to the sale.
HELP! We are in need of volunteers to pick up our bagel bites from Great American Bagels on Saturdays. The sign-up poster is in the light court near the bagels. Thank you!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sermon on Losing Your Life and How Jesus Isn’t Your Magical Puppy

Sermon on Losing Your Life and How Jesus Isn’t Your Magical Puppy

Amazing. She has a gift.


I recieve Richard Rohr's daily meditations and they always wake me up. I feel that they beautifully, powerfully, sometimes painfully speak the Truth.

We fear nothingness. That’s why we fear death, of course, which feels like nothingness. Death is the shocking realization that everything I thought was me, everything I held onto so desperately, was finally nothing (read Kathleen Dowling Singh’s The Grace in Dying).
The nothingness we fear so much is, in fact, the treasure and freedom that we long for, which is revealed in the joy and glory of the Risen Christ. We long for the space where there is nothing to prove and nothing to protect; where I am who I am, in the mind and heart of God, and that is more than enough.
Friar Richard Rohr - more here

Easter Goodies

Easter pail here

bunny treat here

bunny jewels here

egg garland here

Holy Week ornaments here

Taking Action

Check out the UCC initiative regarding women and health care. Lend your voice to the debate.
Curious, look here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Justice Summit

Led by theologians, teachers, and activists from across the country, participants at this two-day event will learn how to engage people in ministries of compassion and mercy, challenge policies through advocacy and community organizing, and partner with programs and projects of community-based organizations for the sake of Christ and his kingdom.
more info here.

Daily Bread

Sustaining God, thank you for our daily bread. Thank you for all of our brothers and sisters who contribute to the supply chain so that we have food for today. We thank you for the farmers, harvesters, mill workers, truck drivers, bakers, cashiers, and others. Bless them and their families so that at all times they may be filled. Amen.

from Sojourners

Just Do Nothing

I don't know about you but I needed to hear this message - about doing nothing....about just being. That doesn't mean stop feeling pain for those suffering or cease to stop growing ourselves but it does mean sometimes we need to just be.

Article from Sojourners:
Stop looking for the next adventure, challenge, hurdle, drama, or excitement. Be present. Be here now. Stop trying to change people. Stop trying to do anything. Just be.
Be in your life. Your life will teach you everything.
“Pay attention to what’s there, not what isn’t there,” Peterson said. Go about the journey of faith — the Christian life, the Way — relaxed, he said, “not feeling so guilty, not having to prove yourself all the time.”
Providence has a great sense of timing — one that’s oriented by kairos not chronos. My time with Peterson fell during the first full week of Lent.
Before Ash Wednesday I already had determined not to do the usual thing — give something tangible up: chocolate, caffeine, wine, fried food, etc. I decided instead to forgo saying negative things about my appearance out loud. I thought that would be healthy, helpful, a meaningful practice to honor God’s creation (me) and the Creator.
It lasted about 36 hours. I determined to start again. And again and again and again, if necessary.
After listening to Peterson, I stopped trying. I stopped, full stop.
For Lent, I am doing nothing. I am just going to be.
Feel the rhythms of grace and let God do the doing.

full article here

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Moms and Daughters Listen Up!

Covenant Harbor: check it out here

Moms and Daughters Retreat

May 4-6, 2012

Sometimes our busy lives prevent us from developing the relationships that really matter. Take a weekend off and enjoy fun activities, quality bonding time and meet new friends. Don't let the name fool you; aunts, nieces, grandmas and granddaughters are all welcome.

Weekend Schedule

The weekend kicks off on Friday evening with check-in, a large group session and a snack. Saturday starts off with breakfast, followed by workshops and another large group session before lunch. Lunch is followed by activities and free time. Dinner, a large group session and a theme event round out the day. The weekend wraps up Sunday morning with breakfast and a closing large group session. 

The main speaker will be:
Liz Mosbo VerHage is an adjunct professor, writer, speaker, pastor, wife and mom. She has loved her varied professional work, which has included positions with congregations, leading outreach ministries, community organizing and writing curriculum series. Liz attended North Park University and Seminary, was ordained in 2006, and recently completed a Ph.D. in Theology and Ethics from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. Her academic study interests include the mission of the church, Evangelical ethics, spiritual formation, and race and justice issues. She also serves as chair of the Christian Action Commission and helps lead Racial Righteousness weekends and “Sankofa” Journeys for the Covenant denomination. Liz, her husband Peter, and their three-year old daughter live on Chicago’s northside and enjoy attending Ravenswood Covenant Church, biking to their favorite gelato store, and gardening.  

Restorative Yoga

For all those moms (and dads) in need of some peace of mind and body-
Stardust Yoga:
330 S. Washington Ave. | La Grange | IL | 60525
In this Restorative Yoga Workshop the practitioner will explore a sequence of asanas, or poses, that completely support the body through the use of props. This support allows the practitioner to truly be at rest which, will help to reverse the effects of chronic stress in the body, mind and breath. In order to enhance the "deep rest" experience you will also explore guided meditation, breath work and experience the calming effects of aromatherapy. All levels are welcome!
Instructor: Letty Madrigal
When: Sunday, March 18th
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Cost: $16 per student
OR 1 punch on a class card

**Pre-registration required

Monday, March 12, 2012

7 Reasons Why They Leave

This is the big question for most churches...."Why do our young adults leave the rich and loving community of church?" Well, maybe it wasn't so rich and loving for some but there are other reasons:

Friday, March 9, 2012


Well ladies, we are all in need of some beauty so here's a link for browsing when the kids go to bed. It's called There Comes a Yes. You might just lose yourself for an hour or so. Enjoy! You deserve it.

Women and Faith

Check out an article in the Washington Post by a professor Susan B. Thistlethwaite at the Chicago Theological Seminary.

Tweeting for Justice here

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Watch Hindu Holi on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.

Fasting For Lent

Watch Orthodox Lenten Meals on PBS. See more from Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.

New School

"It is an error to isolate oneself.... If God does not call one to solitude, one must live with God in the multitude, make [God] known there and make [God] loved."

- Raïsa Maritain

Church News

The children are excited about helping Common Hope's work with Guatemalan children. Please, get out that Children's Offering project that came in the mail. Make the work for your family as simply or as grandly as your lives allow. You will be glad you shared this experience with your child! The offering will be collected next Sunday or anytime thereafter. Please place it in an envelope marked "Children's Offering."
The March 13 meeting of Dining for Women will take place at the home of Joyce Sherwood. The NGO is Women's Earth Alliance with a focus on Sierra Leone and Liberia. Clean water and sanitation practices are the big ideas of this month. All are welcome, but you must RSVP.

The ACE's seminar will feature The Rev. Chris Dorsey, who will examine some of the theological foundations and ethical paradigms needed to help develop an understanding of how Christians engage in contemporary social issues related to race, the environment, healthcare and education. Rev Dorsey has worked as a university chaplain, a local church pastor and as a hospital chaplain to HIV/AIDS patients. This week's subject is What Must the Earth Do to Be Saved? The seminars take place at 10:15 Sunday mornings in the second floor Seim Room.
The introductory meeting of Bring Your Opinion - a new once-a-month Friday night discussion group - will take place tomorrow evening, Friday, March 9. The group is open to all adults, members and non-members. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tell No One

Mark 8:30
"Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone about him."

Reflection by Anthony B. Robinson

After Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter answered, "the Messiah." Then Jesus ordered the disciples, "Not to tell anyone about him." Some joker suggested this may be the only command of Jesus — "tell no one about me" — that the church has actually managed to keep!

But, really, why did Jesus say this?

It's not the first time in Mark's gospel that Jesus has told someone not to talk about him, nor the last. Scholars have a fancy name for it. They call it "the Messianic secret."

It's sort of the opposite of one of our society's most prominent features, the cult of celebrity. An entire industry tracks and reports the movements of "the celebrated" whose only achievement is often, well, that they are celebrities.

Why did Jesus order those he healed and those he taught not to celebrate him? Perhaps because he's not seeking admirers so much as participants. Perhaps because he's not interested in dazzling people but in changing lives. Jesus does not offer a personality cult to join, but a way of life to be lived. A church is different than a fan club.

In a far less grand way, this may also apply to us. Admiration and attention are gratifying—and seductive. Community or business leaders, parents and pastors, teachers and artists may be admired, even in a way "worshipped." But if Jesus is our guide, it's not about us being admired or celebrated or winning a popularity poll. That's not the point. The point is helping people grow in their own faith and in their own capacity to lead lives that make a difference, for God's sake, in the world.


I give thanks, dear God, for those people who deflect the bright light from themselves in order that others may discover their own light. Amen.

* from the United Church of Christ Daily Devotional - you can sign up here

For Some Christians, Lent Means ‘Giving Up’ Carbon

For Some Christians, Lent Means ‘Giving Up’ Carbon: pby Catherine Woodiwiss For many Christians, the 40-day period of fasting and reflection before Easter known as Lent is a chance to get in mental and spiritual shape. People give up chocolate; quit drinking or smoking; avoid meat; start reading the Bible regularly; or even give up social media – “fasts” intended to discipline and [...]/p

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Can't Resist

pretty bunting.  A part of our task as people of faith is to celebrate this life. In the process of celebrating one's birth, Easter Sunday or a regular Tuesday afternoon, we are saying thanks to our Creator for all that we have. It's easy to celebrate and say "thanks" with beautiful bunting!!

garden party bunting here

Monday, March 5, 2012

Life Giving

Every year my family promises to start an incredible garden and every year it doesn't really happen the way we envision it. We need help! Here are some cool gardening sites for your family - and mine. Let's take part in the miracle of creation by starting a garden this summer. Send me photos of your bounty!
paz. (children gardening tools) (sweet blog) (also really cute blog!) (had to add a good cooking blog too!)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


just watched this Salt Project dvd today. it's called bless. it's really beautiful. pass it on - and don't forget to bless something or someone today.

"This is what the church teaches us: we are made to bless.
We are created and called to bless hammers and backpacks; relationships and homes; the waters of baptism and the bread and cup of Christ's communion; victims and perpetrators of violence, and even our own enemies.
We are made to bless! We are "supercharged" by God to make all things new, to make all things better."


check out the blog by Keely Kernan. the photographs are incredible. she has a gift of transporting you to another place and into the heart of another human.