Friday, January 13, 2012


Last year my family came up with a list of Family Principles. We tape it to a cupboard door and periodically will have the children pick out a principle to explain and discuss at the kitchen table. The paper is torn and tattered now so I've taken it down to print out another copy. Maybe my family will edit it, add some words, take some away......These words help guide us on a sacred path, when we are together and apart, bringing light to some dark places maybe.  I hope they carry some of these words with them as they become young men and women and eventually shape them to become loving, compassionate adults.   
This is the list alphabetically -one post at a time:

1. abundance
2. balance
3. calmness
4. celebration
5. civility
6. community connection
7. courage
8. courtesy, manners
9. confidence

What words would you use for your list of family principles?

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