Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution: Pay Attention

So food and a good life do mingle. Yes, food is on my mind. Maybe because there is more time over the holidays to create and to take a moment to think and remember and engage actively in one's dreams, to plan ahead. Perhaps this is a recipe for a good year.
Begin with a pinch of resolutions.
There are many resolutions to come up with for the new year but I think this wonderful post from A Sweet and Savory Life sums up the perfect resolution:
But I have a different sort of thought for my year ahead. I want to pay attention, every day, to the moment I see a person doing their one small thing. If I don’t look for it, I won’t know it’s there. But if I pay attention, I believe I will see, every single day, that one moment given by one person to another.

You can read more of her blog here.
Peace and Happy New Year!

*the photo of the snow falling reminds me of all of those little deeds and acts of kindness that go unnoticed, but that make our world so beautiful, so full of God.

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